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Artistic Murals By: Tamara Gerkin
The Duffy's
Tropical Italian Mural
Dear Joe & Carol,
Thank you for commissioning me to paint your two walls in your lovely
home. It has been a great honor getting to know you both and painting your
It is my hope that your new mural gives you both a feeling of peace
and beauty at the end of each day for these are the feelings you gave me each
day as I painted for you.
With honor, love and respect...
I love the design of this house! It's very unique and beautiful!
Size 14'x 28'
Ceiling to floor 22'
I haven't measured this wall yet, but I will soon. I'm planning on
painting a large Palm Tree on the center curve in about three weeks or
Let the mural begin....
Joe & Carol's
Italian tropical landscape mural with a hint of Irish:
This wall has been especially challenging to design due to the window and odd
As you can see, the wall sharply curves around the corner then it
flattens out again.
The first three images are the studies for the mural on the first wall. I
will be combining elements from both studies into one and using a full color
* I normally do not start at the bottom of mural and work my up, but on this
particular wall I've had no choice because the scaffolding is not completely set
up yet.
However...it will be set up by tomorrow late afternoon...
These are oil paint color studies for the mural on 2'x2'
gesso coated panels. |
Mural Study |
Mural Study |
Day 1:
I used tinted gesso to block in the shapes & color. |

Day 2:
Today I began using Liquitex & Golden acrylic paint to
block in the major colors and basic composition.
Day 2:
Everything is left unfinished and will stay this way for
at least another week.
This stage can be really scary for people because it
looks like I don't know what I'm doing. My dear Charley & Jane
will be the first to tell you that it's really scary!
Hugs to you both!
Day 3:
I have created a ledge of sorts for the mural to sit on.
To break up the continuous shape, I've added stones and a sculpture that
will eventually be a water-fountain. |
Day 4:
Carol is Italian, Joe is Irish. As a tribute to both I am
painting an Irish-Italian female. Joe says that she must be more Italian
due to certain attributes of her anatomy. |
Day 4:
I'm going to attempt completing the figure tomorrow
because the third layer of scaffolding will be erected which will reduce
my standing space greatly. |
Hey Jim Branscum,
I've highlighted her eyes so that no matter where the viewer is
standing, it looks like she's looking directly at you. I love that effect,
don't you?
Day 6:
Refining the face, adding the hand and plants. |
Day 6:
Joe painted a few walls over the weekend, I'll photograph them to show
you how great the new color looks. Joe, you did an excellent job painting
the walls! |
Day 6:
I used one of DiVinci's drawings of hands as a model for her hand, only
I had to modify it so that it wouldn't look so rounded and
masculine. |
Day 7:
The mural is progressing nicely at this stage. I should be finished
enough with the bottom portion to have the rest of the scaffolding
erected. |
Day 7:
This view shows how the foreground landscape is beginning to flow from
one end to the other. |
Day 8:
You will notice that the side wall to the tunnel is no longer a
straight line... |
Day 8:
By the way...Carol is Italian and
an excellent cook! And we all know how much I love home cooked Italian
food, don't we Charley and Jane? |

Day 9:
Here I added a few reds to give the wall more warmth
and variety.
Day 9:
The flower is from Carol and Joe's yard...I'll often work from
life in combination with
photographs and my imagination. |
in life we have the pleasure of meeting people that feel as though they
are part of our family. As a painter, I consider these moments
extraordinary and extremely special. My goal for this wall is to
make it a masterpiece; one that reflects my feelings for the people who
live in this house. It may take me a little longer to complete this
project, but in the end it will be well worth the effort. |
Day 10:
Carol & Joe, thank you for your complete trust in me.
As scary as it is to watch a mural grow and see areas that do not make
sense, you are hanging in there like real troupers without fear or
worry. What brave people you are! |

Day 10:
Here I've started developing a grape vine that will grow over a portion
of the windows. If this area looks a little dark, you're right...it is
dark only don't worry, it will work perfectly with the painting as a
whole. |

Day 10:
The lighting is poor in these shots because I photographed the mural
much too late in the day. To compensate for the low light I used software
to increase the brightness. Doing this always causes the color to look
more intense that what it actually is in real life. |
Day 10:
I haven't touched her at all, but when I do I will use oil paint to
refine her face. She's much too serious looking and desperately needs a
smile... |
Labor Day
Day 12:

Day 13 |

Day 13:
I'll let these last photographs speak for themselves.

Day 14: From a distance, which is the usual viewing, her face seemed to
look a bit angry, so I softened her features and gave her more of a
pleasing sultry look. |

Day 14: |

Day 15:
Today I completed the grape vine and worked on portions
of the background. |

Day 15: The last section of the scaffold was installed at
the end of the day. Don't worry family, I'll be wearing a safety harness
and the cage will still be around me.

Day 15: I repainted the lower portion because after
finishing everything else it looked too...messy. Shush Carol, don't
tell anyone what really happened. |

Day 15: A close-up view of the Tuscany village that can be
seen in the background.

Day 15:
My lady is standing next to stairs and is the first thing
people see when they wall into this section of the house. See serves as a
wonderful welcoming figure to this great house.

16: Today I painted the sky.

Day 17: |

Day 17: As you walk down the hallway to the family, she is the first
thing you see. |

Day 17:

Day 17: This is one of the most exciting stages when everything comes
together and you are able to view a nearly completed mural.
Day 21: The finale day has arrived. I hope you enjoy these photographs
as much as I have enjoyed creating this mural for two very special people.

The bunch of grapes that are located on the far right side
of this photo are my personal favorite. A few of them look as though I
glued real grapes to the wall, which was really exciting for me to see.
Even though I've never considered myself to be a Tromp'loeil artist, those
two grapes could easily fall into this category. |

The view Carol has each morning while having coffee
was especially important to me as I created this section of the wall. I
wanted her to feel peaceful and have a sense of awe before she starts each
day. At night when she and Joe sit on their sofa, the mural looks
completely different due to changing light. It is at this time when the
mural takes on an incredible gentle feeling that I hope will always make
this special couple feel relaxed and peaceful after a long hard day.
Even if that day was spent on the Golf Course. |
Carol's Goddess, she greets everyone the enters her world
with warmth and beauty. Until this moment she was nameless...Athena seems
appropriate, don't you agree?
This is a view from upstairs; a place where I could easily photograph
the wall without distortion from my camera.
The bottom right section was the most difficult for me to resolve. I
actually painted 3 different scenes here before I decided on what you now
see. |
The side wall though very simple, is a nice compliment the
main mural. I like the way the country-side flows from one end to the
other. |
This lady in this photograph is my Mother, who went with
me on the last day to see the mural. She and Carol talked while I wore my
head phones and listened to beautiful Hawaiian music. |

I added vines on the bottom left and refined the water in this area. Doing
this gave the section a much needed finale touch.
You may not notice but a darker glaze was applied over the
shadow side of the buildings... They simply needed to be darkened.

The last day and last wall....
Carol and Joe, thank you for this opportunity and thank you for your
constant warmth and kindness, your generosity is greatly appreciated! See
you in a few weeks!
All paintings and images
are Tamara Gerkin's original artwork. Copying or reproducing
paintings, photographs,
prints or poetry at www.ArtisticMurals.com
website without written
consent of the owner, is strictly prohibited.
If you have any
please send an
or call at: 727-809-0606,
Hudson, FL
Original artworks by:
Tamara Gerkin, Copyright © 1999-2012 by Artistic Murals/
Tamara Gerkin. All rights
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